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The card game was designed by Martijn Brouns and myself in 2022. The game has elements inspired by all other kinds of games, like Dungeons&Dragons, Munchkin, Pokémon, Magic The Gathering and Saboteur.
After a long process of getting to the right game-tactics, we have created the cards. The most outstanding element is the art on every card, which is created by Artificial Intelligence. With the in-house humour and creativity we have made it possible to create an infinite amount of stories and have a laugh while playing the game.
The card game has been printed and is currently being played by over 150 players worldwide. We are excited to receive their feedback and use it to improve the game for the second print.
At the end of June we will be at Heroes Dutch Comic Con, where we'll be present in collaboration with Warchild. An unforgettable experience! 🎉
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